“Find your freedom!”
Somisan means
“Beautiful Child”
Discover the beautiful child within through healing.
We are dedicated to helping you along a gentle journey to realise the beauty within, and the subtle power that realisation of your unique self brings you in life.
The energy healing process is a simple but powerful and life changing experience. You will discover your inner strengths and inner blockages will be removed, allowing you to operate from a free and more powerful, more informed platform.
You will be free to work with these strengths as your life unfolds into the wonder of new possibilities.
Meet Our Team
Working synergistically Philip & Zach offer different modalities and both complement each other, working in tandem to help you on your healing journey. The perfect balance of science and intuition.
Physiotherapist & Energy Healer
Philip channels his guide, Somisan, and conveys healing information and insights into your life. This information is revealed in a loving way, and helps you to change the way you think about yourself and others.
Sports Psychologist & Intuitive Life Coach